
Wagga Khanacross Results

Wagga Khanacross Results 1st Nathan Breese 2nd Cam McDougall 3rd Wayne Mainwaring More info

Gundillawah Khaanacross Results

Gundillawah Results: A big thankyou to all the competitiors and officals who braved the heat and dust for a fun day of racing. Well done to the place getters and class winners, great to see two ladies and four juniors competing.  See attached file for full results  1st Nathan Senior 2nd Jason Wall 3rd Wayne Manwaring

Rosewood Rallysprint Results

Rosewood Rally Results It was a good to see such fine weather, after the week leading up to the event. We had 17 starters, most of which also finished. The club would like to thank all the competitors, and volunteers who helped on the day, it couldn't have been a success without everyone's support. Outright Place getters 1st Jamie Luff/Brad Luff 2nd Russell Winks/Steve Hodgkin 3rd Jon Parker/Russell Taylor Please see full results sheets below.

Covid 19


National Cranes Tumut Rallysprint

National Cranes Tumut Rallysprint, will be run by Wagga and District Car Club, on Saturday November 9th in the Bondo State Forest, just outside Tumut. Sup regs and entries open soon. Thanks to National Cranes and Engineering for their support.